Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Coming Strrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraight At’cha

Okay, I can barely stand this…this…this…WAITING!

The image you will see below I came across very recently, on a leisurely, pleasant walk with my family.

I was so blown away by the inappropriateness of this…this…this…abomination (that’s a bit strong, but c’mon, I’m selling it pretty well, right?) that I couldn’t keep it to myself for long.

I’ve been into ridiculous image collection for a long time now. Some of the ones that have graced this page are quite old…some are borrowed, some are new…and they all make you blue…with laughter! I realize I’m reaching there, but I just got married and I still have wedding stuff on the old brain-hole.

So put yourself in my shoes: You, your significant other, your innocent dog, are taking a long, beautiful walk through picturesque (great word choice, if I don’t say so myself) San Diego when all of a sudden…(and yes, people, it’s all of ‘a’ sudden, not all of ‘the’ sudden, remember I suck as spelling and blogging, but cliché IS me, so get it right)…

Where was I? Oh yeah…I was on a diatribe about “a sudden” vs “the sudden” and we all had a great time…

Jesus, this is taking a while…

And speaking of Jesus…someone cover his eyes, because he shouldn’t see this…

Good luck, and Godspeed…us away from stuff like this!


Sunday, April 18, 2010

First Ever Sneak Peek

I can barely keep this one under wraps. From the second I saw this, I wanted to publish...but I'm attempting to keep some semblance of comedic timing and what not...but I just had to sneak peek this.

This entry is going to be SO good...

I can't stress this enough.

This entry will blow your mind. The level of inappropriateness that is all over the rest of this photo will shock you. SHOCK I say.

Some key words that will serve as hints to highlight just how bad this photo will be:

Christian Science

You'll see it soon...

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

I'll Show You Bored!

Earthquakes feel different after you get married. I’ve lived in southern California my whole life, so I’ve experienced my fair share of the old shake shakes (that’s what we all call them here), but the one that we just had today felt different. Not in that they shake differently like the type of shaking from a thrust fault versus a transform, strike-slip fault, but it feels different when you got a little more on the line when the world starts giving you the old shake shakes, you know?

I’ve talked before about just how fast information moves on the internet. Today, that was mostly a good thing. Celebrity twitter and facebook friend updates about the earthquake aside, it was nice to be able to go online and find out what was happening really quickly. I learned another fact in that process: people be freakin’ stupid, yo!

I’m not kidding. Go to ANY news website and read just about ANY article…skim down to the comment section and see democracy at work. More and more I see why we have a republic, not a pure democracy. When you let everyone sound off, you get a whole lot of ridiculous crap. You know that old adage: Opinions are like assholes…

Do we really need to sound off on the emotions we are experiencing as readers of a story? And even if we do need to allow for such things…and that is a HUGE if…but IF we are to allow them, lets explore the emotions chosen by the readers. Intrigued? Sure. I can get behind that. Sad? Definitely. It’s a huge quake that probably did some serious damage in Mexico…but only 9% feel this way? Thrilled I MIGHT be able to understand, like I think it’s in the neighborhood of the emotion that people might be feeling, but it’s still wrong…but Furious? Bored? Laughing?

Lets get it together, huh?


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Just Stopping By

Thought I’d pop in real quick to say…

See you soon!