Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Coming Strrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraight At’cha

Okay, I can barely stand this…this…this…WAITING!

The image you will see below I came across very recently, on a leisurely, pleasant walk with my family.

I was so blown away by the inappropriateness of this…this…this…abomination (that’s a bit strong, but c’mon, I’m selling it pretty well, right?) that I couldn’t keep it to myself for long.

I’ve been into ridiculous image collection for a long time now. Some of the ones that have graced this page are quite old…some are borrowed, some are new…and they all make you blue…with laughter! I realize I’m reaching there, but I just got married and I still have wedding stuff on the old brain-hole.

So put yourself in my shoes: You, your significant other, your innocent dog, are taking a long, beautiful walk through picturesque (great word choice, if I don’t say so myself) San Diego when all of a sudden…(and yes, people, it’s all of ‘a’ sudden, not all of ‘the’ sudden, remember I suck as spelling and blogging, but cliché IS me, so get it right)…

Where was I? Oh yeah…I was on a diatribe about “a sudden” vs “the sudden” and we all had a great time…

Jesus, this is taking a while…

And speaking of Jesus…someone cover his eyes, because he shouldn’t see this…

Good luck, and Godspeed…us away from stuff like this!


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