Well that’s a little strong…but I had to get your attention somehow.
This is going to come off a little back-in-my-dayish, but the circles I’m going to talk you in and the tangents we’re going to take together are well worth it.
Allow me to start you off with a little appetizer of what I’m getting at here:

Funny story about the above picture. I uploaded this to facebook and as a joke, I tagged my friend Scott in the photo. He promptly removed the tag from this picture. I sure showed him, didn’t I?
I was late to join the facebook craze. I had a myspace page like everyone and as facebook became more and more popular I was hesitant to join. I thought to myself, “I don’t get it.” It took my wife sitting me down in front of the screen to finally join.
To my surprise, I really liked facebooking. I put a facebook app on my blackberry (I’m very into gadgets, so this appealed to me greatly. Seriously, you’d be hard pressed to find me without a gadget of some kind in my hands…it’s why I’m able to get the pictures for this blog). On a quick side note for evidence, I was attempting to snap a picture today of a license plate. It wasn’t particularly funny or anything, but I thought my family would like it because it said “ZADIE.” It’s Yiddish for ‘grandfather’ and it’s what we called my dad’s dad. I was a little bummed I couldn’t snap the picture…but it reminded me of the following story about him.
When Zadie would send me birthday cards, he would do so on stationary that appeared have Hebrew writing on the top, with Moses holding two tablets beside it. When you looked a little closer, the stationary actually read “Hey Schmuck.” He would have liked this kid:

I can’t take credit for that picture. I grabbed it from a site I follow http://strikegently.com/.
A little while back, I mentioned http://www.lamebook.com/…something I learned about myself when I clicked through hundreds of pages (and, of course, added it to my reader, seriously, why don’t you have this yet??) Anyway the thing I leaned was how thankful that facebook wasn’t around when I was in junior high or high school. Information moved fast enough back then…could you imagine information moving any faster? I want to make an information superhighway reference here, but I can’t really think of one. Plus, it seems like you need to learn a whole new language…and when I was in high school, I was too busy scraping by in Spanish to learn another language.
One of the things you learn (both in high school and on lamebook), though, is that kids can be really cruel. Like REALLY cruel.
I used to run cross country and track during my time in high school. At my school, these sports were the bottom of the social totem pole…even though our football team sucked out loud. Well one day during my freshman year I was warming up around the track and about 50 yards away was this dude that was friends with one of my friends. He had finished his football workout (he sucked out loud too, never made varsity…no, I’m not bitter). He looked at me with this shit eating grin as the distance between us closed. Then, without warning, he hit me and I fell to the track. Your boy PS was pretty embarrassed, a little dirty, and was bleeding because the cheap dirt track we had at my school contained many rocks…but to look at the positive in the situation…dude was laughing pretty hard…
Do you believe me yet about how mean kids can be? Here’s an example of how mean kids can be.

Back in my day we used to just throw taco sauce on people’s cars…and by “people’s” you should read “my” and by “we” you should read “they.”
With my positive self-image well-intact, I’ll sign off.
MPS: There’s a story here in a picture I didn’t take. When I was making the left turn onto my street, a car with writing on the window caught my eye, but it wasn’t the one pictured above, but it was at the same house. That car window also had an “I ♥” on it…but it was followed, of course, with the classiest of classy statements: “UR MOM’S BOOBS.”
1 comment:
Who was that football sucker that hit my brother??? This is the first time I heard this story! I will kick his ASS. Let me AT HIM!
btw- when I say "I" I mean I will say some pretty nasty words to the fellow then let my big strong hubby kick his out loud sucking butt.
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