In other circumstances spelling that word with capitals might make you think that I was referring to the biblical “His.” In this case, however, I’m referring to Health Information Services. This is the department in any medical establishment which protects your confidential health information.
Notice how I changed the typeset on the word “confidential?” You think I would venture into changing things on the blog if I thought it was something you could just read without proper emphasis? That's how you know it's something important and worth giving extra attention.
What's got two thumbs and sucks at blogging? This guy!
Your health information is important to keep quiet. Do you really want people to know about that really embarrassing thing that you went and saw the doctor about? NO you don’t. That’s why the constitution doesn’t allow employers to base your employment on anything that health related. That stuff is gross and no one wants to know and you don’t want to tell them.
One place I definitely don’t want to see your health information is on my TIVO.

The last thing I need is your chronic lung condition interrupting my reruns of Friends. COPD refers to chronic bronchitis or emphysema…and according to the Wikipedia article I just accessed, COPD is usually caused by “noxious particles” causing an “inflammatory response.”
Your health information is important to keep quiet. Do you really want people to know about that really embarrassing thing that you went and saw the doctor about? NO you don’t. That’s why the constitution doesn’t allow employers to base your employment on anything that health related. That stuff is gross and no one wants to know and you don’t want to tell them.
One place I definitely don’t want to see your health information is on my TIVO.

The last thing I need is your chronic lung condition interrupting my reruns of Friends. COPD refers to chronic bronchitis or emphysema…and according to the Wikipedia article I just accessed, COPD is usually caused by “noxious particles” causing an “inflammatory response.”
A quick message to TIVO: COPD is nothing worth giving a "Thumbs Up" to; maybe you want to consider modifying how you market drugs for conditions like that. What's next? IBS?
I also don’t want to know the various procedures you’ve undergone, well, not just me, everyone. We’ve all been talking about it behind your back and I’m the only one with the stones to tell you so. Again, this stuff is confidential. You don’t have to tell us that you’ve been weakened by some condition like COPD or a procedure like a…

Goodness! This is just insane. Well, not insane but come on. You don’t need to do this and we don’t want to know.
I mean…it’s like telling the world VERY personal information about you. Some of this information is sad, some of this information is awkward and some of this information is just Too Much Information (for the older readers out there, this is what the kids mean when they say TMI).
Do you really want people to know that stuff? Well, I guess this guy doesn’t care…

I also don’t want to know the various procedures you’ve undergone, well, not just me, everyone. We’ve all been talking about it behind your back and I’m the only one with the stones to tell you so. Again, this stuff is confidential. You don’t have to tell us that you’ve been weakened by some condition like COPD or a procedure like a…

Goodness! This is just insane. Well, not insane but come on. You don’t need to do this and we don’t want to know.
I mean…it’s like telling the world VERY personal information about you. Some of this information is sad, some of this information is awkward and some of this information is just Too Much Information (for the older readers out there, this is what the kids mean when they say TMI).
Do you really want people to know that stuff? Well, I guess this guy doesn’t care…

Confidentially yours,
MPS (just came up with that as a way of adding a post-script without looking like I’m signing off, clever? Do we like it?): I like that in both of the license plates there are funny license plate frames that I wanted to be sure to not mention.
1st up, shout out to the Heart Stent Frame: "My dinosaur ate your Jesus Fish." Little harsh arguement, but probably true.
2nd: NINDICK. I’m thinking that license plate frame was bought by his wife.
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