I think it’s become pretty obvious that inspiration for this entire time has been the ridiculous things that I come across.
I’m thankful everyday for the number of weird things I see. These are, of course, the things that I get little bit of a giggle and bring a bit of a smile to my face. It’s the little pleasures in your day that help keep you from burning out on your day. For example, one of my favorite little pleasures in life is walking up to an elevator, hitting the button and having the doors open immediately. Come on, you know you love that.
On a side note (and an additional pointless story), I once rode in an elevator and as all elevator patrons do, I peered up at the floor indicator above the door and someone placed a sticker which read “Staring at elevator lights causes flatulence.” That was one of those times that I wished I had a camera on me, ANY camera. I think I’ve made up for it big time by taking pictures of anything that I find funny…and again, I think it’s become pretty obvious, that it’s pretty much anything.
This is going to be a multi-photo entry today. This entry is going to be dedicated to all the products I’ve found (so far) that should have spent some more time in the R&D phase, gotten a few more proofreads, or some little more CONSULTATION PLEASE. I’m thinking that I want all of you reading this to use Jerry Lewis’ voice when reading CONSULTATION PLEASE and the LADIES! Okay, sorry. Onto the photos.

I realize I’m definitely reaching here, but again, life’s little pleasures. This product, among it’s labeled uses, is also good for a little “Ha.” (No exclamation point).

I was doing my part for the environment and this economy by dropping off my spent motor oil. Little did I know I would be dropping it off in such a wonderfully named product.

This product is toeing the line. A good suggestion is to refer to Snooki from the Jersey Shore for any time you want to do anything with a pickle…even if it’s harmless....tiny, sweet, or crunchy.
Anytime you have “yer” in your product’s name…you really need to watch out for what choose to be the next word, because it ends up sounding like you are saying "your." If your product has “yer” in it and it is going to be spherical in shape, maybe you go with the word “Spheres” instead of “Balls,” okay? Lest you wind up on my blog…on 2nd thought, keep it up, I rather like my blog.

Jesus! I know I can’t be the only one to laugh at this. In fact, I know I’m not. I showed this picture to a buddy at work who said the following, “When I went to register for my wedding I thought the same thing!”


I was walking through the store when I happened upon this one. This stopped myself dead in my tracks. I pointed it out to my wife who promptly rolled her eyes at me…then she took a look at the first picture I grabbed and said, “You’re getting a weird light on it and it’s distorting the ‘r.’ You should take it again.” She just added one more thing to the “Reasons I Married Her” list.
Then a funny thing happened. And I mean really funny. Not like, oh that’s so PS funny, but it’s not actually funny. I mean, legitimately, insanely funny.
I took the opportunity to post this on facebook. I couldn’t resist putting this immediately onto the information superhighway.
Upon doing this, my mother-in-law responded with the following:

“Oh man!” Is right.
Then a funny thing happened. And I mean really funny. Not like, oh that’s so PS funny, but it’s not actually funny. I mean, legitimately, insanely funny.
I took the opportunity to post this on facebook. I couldn’t resist putting this immediately onto the information superhighway.
Upon doing this, my mother-in-law responded with the following:

“Oh man!” Is right.
Epic success...
Batter Blaster is actually really yummy! Yeah I said it.
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