Sorry, it's not like I've been gone all that long, but I just like that Jimmy Fallon SNL sketch. Today's post is about signage. My spell check is currently highlighting "signage" but I've heard it before, so I'm going with it and powering through.
Shortly after starting MPS, my mother-in-law bought me a book about ridiculous signs. As I flipped through it, I thought, "Crap, someone's already done this...maybe my blog sucks now." That's when I thought that it would be better to use that book as inspiration. I mean, if the prophetic movie Idiocracy has taught us anything, it's that this country is going to continue to get dumber and dumber. I humbly submit my first of two shots as evidence.

The above sign is one of those things in life that you see and you just feel bad for the person making it. Although, I can't feel too badly for this person or judge them too harshly...I mean, they own a boat, they must be doing something right?...'cause I don't own a boat.
But I digress. Actually, that was less a digression, and more of providing evidence to illustrate my point. What I'm doing now is a digression...but I digress.
I feel that it is becoming readily apparent that I enjoy things that make me giggle like a middle schooler in sex ed. I am going to include permutations of words that make me laugh, but I'm going to list them with their medical phrasing, as to raise the maturity level of this blog...BUT pay attention to the blogs in the future as they will very likely include far more low-brow versions of these words: penis, vagina, testicles, breasts, and gluteus maximus.
With that, I would like to post a low brow picture.

This is a case of "Consultation Please," or "Please Proofread me" combined with a healthy dose of, "Oh, Come On!"...and "That's What She Said!"
Seriously, if you are the "Sausage King," you have to understand that "Sausage" will forever be linked with the wiener, both the kosher and non-kosher varieties. I mean, they don't call parties a "sausagefest" for fun. If you don't know what I'm talking about, please refer to the following website:
...and if you are familiar with the other varieties of the sausage, and you are comfortable to call yourself "The Sausage King," you can't tell people to park it in the rear, it's just wrong, and frankly, inappropriate.
Parking it appropriately,
1 comment:
I wonder if the Sausage King knows the Plow King. They probably have a lot in common...
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