Ask my wife that same question, and she’ll tell you a very different story, but you can take my word for it, I’m a good driver.
I realize that with this entry and some other entries of mine may tell a story of a reckless driver always armed with a photograph capturing device…and this, my friends, is also true. But I think the key word there is reckless. I am free of wrecks…yes, I’m aware of the spelling difference, but I’m going to go with it.
I started this blog for fun. I've said before that I can find humor in a lot of things, some might say, things which are not humorous. Whatever. I did notice something about reactions to the blog...most men (no, I did not take an actual, scientific survey) think the photos on my blog are funny...hilarious in fact (*see previous parenthetical phrase). I did show the cactus picture to two coworkers last week and here were their reactions:
Male Coworker: Uncontrollable laughter.
Female Coworker: "What?"
Male Coworker > Female Coworker: "Put your 12 year-old hat on"
Female Coworker: "What? It looks like a penis."
Onto the wreck-less photo-capture: I’ve been told, that I'm reaching with this one.
This is a quick entry, only because I couldn't resist the urge to NOT post it. I snapped the photo a few years ago because I thought it was funny and every time I pass the picture in my computer I giggle.

On the sidest of side notes…a post-script of sorts…do I need to spell it out? Okay, I will…PS: I’ve been thinking lately that I need to go back and "Tag" my entries, but that will probably fail miserably. Need I remind you of how bad at blogging I am? As if I didn't say it enough in the actual entries themselves, all the spelling errors and weird formatting anomalies should speak volumes. The reason this came to mind is that when I look at this picture I think, “THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID!” I also thought, I can’t say that with this picture, I just said it a couple entries ago…if I tag it, then I can say it without saying it, make sense? No? I didn’t think so either.
Bye for now.
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