Part of what is fun for me about this blog is that most of the pictures in my posts are man-made. It makes me laugh when there is something ridiculous in a post that someone hasn’t noticed yet.
Today’s post is not man-made. This one is much more organic…or natural some might say. I used to have a professor of organic chemistry (not even close to my favorite or a good subject) that was a bit kooky. And by kooky, I, of course, mean completely ridiculous. He would often talk in class about which chemicals/compounds occur in “nature.” I put “nature” in quotes because he would do finger quotes every time he said “nature.” Why, you might ask? He later explained, both in class and on his school-owned website that he did not believe in evolution, believed the Earth to be approximately 7,000 years-old, with all evolutionary evidence being placed there by the proverbial man-up-stairs (see what I did there with ‘proverbial’ thing?).
Look, to each His own, I guess, believe in evolution, don’t believe in evolution, and when I write the word evolution, for God’s sake, read Science…seriously, feel free to go back and re-read everything. Well, never mind, I think my opinion is leaking out beyond my control. Arethe Earth and Universe simply a series of random events which happen to have occurred in just the right way? Or did someone/something have a hand in the outcome?
People like my former chemistry professor do things like this:

Real quick note: I didn’t go to some über conservative college by any means, and while I completed my undergraduate degree from a prestigious university (I love saying pompous crap like that), this particular professor was a part of the wonderful community college system of the great state of California.
Back to the above picture: Personally, I think this gives God/Science/Jesus/Flying Spaghetti Monster a bad rap. God hates things that He/She/It/Evolved? Kind of a strange and foreign concept to me. The logic can spin a person in circles. How can we as people begin to understand what G/S/J/FSM’s personal preferences might be? I’m not going to explore that here…what I do know, however, is that something out there has a seriously awesome sense of humor.
So let me ask the question again: is this random or did someone manipulate things to make it happen in just the right way?
I submit the following picture to the discussion:

You be the judge. I maintain my opinion, no matter which side of the argument you come down on when you’ve made your judgment: something has a phenomenal and, dare I say, universal sense of humor.
Keeping it natural,
1 comment:
HAHAHA! I haven't laughed this hard in days...thank you!!
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