This is the first in a series titled "Consultation Please!"
By consultation, I mean, run your ideas by a few people before you choose to market them. For God's Sake! No self respecting business owner wants to have that Beavis and Butthead moment where a potential customer walks by their product and giggles like an 11 year-old as they read the name of your product aloud...and then walk away without buying said product. Maybe it's because of the uncontrollable laughter, maybe the silly, double entendre name has distracted said customer so much that they forgot that they were looking for your oddly named product...or maybe it's because they wouldn't be caught dead telling anyone "Check out my new Whak Sak Bag."
The essential problem for all of the things that I will feature in this series is that they all may serve some legitimate purpose, and perhaps they serve that purpose better than any other product available on the market, but their names make it simply impossible for people to want purchase and admit to owning. Remember, this is a series. Meaning, yes, I have many more of these and this is the tamest of them all.
So pack your Whak Saks, this is going to be a fun ride.
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