Safety First!
Anything you do in life must be done safely. Including your decision to create a custom license plate. If you're going to make a funny, interesting, or seriously insane license plate, you need to take into account the safety of others...and by others, I mean me. If I see that you have a crazy ass license plate, such as the one featured in this entry, I will chase you down and grab a shot of it to share with everyone I know.
Couple things about these photos. I'm choosing to upload multiple photos here to show just how hard I worked for this, please notice the rain AND the freeway in the picture. If safety is a must, people really can't have these kinds of license plates and drive near me.
Onto the next thing: TRIA3SM. Really? REALLY? There's no way that you could put that on a license plate and not have CPS, APS, DHHS, NIMH, and CDC on your ass. Which, to return to my previous point, is why I was on this dude's ass, on the freeway in the rain.
Lastly, and truly the greatest tangent I could possibly take. So when I took the opportunity to send this picture out to a few friends and show it to some friends in the office, I got the following response: "That guy lives on my street!" Turn out, freako with the sexually inappropriate custom license plate lives on the same street as one of my friends. Guess what, turns out freako is totally weird in real life. Strange how things work out like that.
One last, last thing, and really more of a question: How did the California DMV allow this to get put on a plate? Especially when knowing this plate might be on a freeway someday...and perhaps in the rain.
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